Thursday, 11 February 2010


Independently from these latest developments, I had started to think about CLUTTER recently.

The clutter in my house, the clutter in my life. We have accumulated so much stuff. Sometimes, I don`t even know what we`ve got because we have so much. So much stuff that I no longer appreciate it and it distracts from what really matters.

I`ve made a few half-hearted attempts to tidy up and part with things, but every corner I had cleared appeared to inspire hubby to purchase more stuff and fill those corners once again. I was fighting a losing battle. I didn`t know where to start and how to maintain.

I then read here about dedicating just 15 minutes a day to decluttering. There is no need to do the whole house in a day. After all, it took years for it to become like this. Just a corner a day, a drawer, a top of one cupboard. Do just that, but do it properly.

I`ve half-heartedly begun at the beginning of the year and then wholeheartedly continued about a week ago. I`m now starting to reap the benefits.

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