Monday, 8 November 2010

on Facials and Cosmetic Surgery

Today, I had a Beau Visage facial analysis. This is offered free of charge at and investigates damage done by lifestyle factors. Obviously, they`ll aim to sell, but this is up to you.

My skin is not as sun damaged as I thought. I used to visit sunbeds twice a week and did not always use a high enough sun screen.

The red spots on my cheek are burst vessels - that`s also good to know, as I can stop searching for creams which make them disappear.

It could be corrected by laster treatment, but this is very expensive. I would need several treatments at £120 a go. The beautician suggested that the NHS may fund this if it bothers me a lot.

This suggestion actually distressed me. A few spots on my chin. There are people who suffer from life threatening cancer and need to wait for chemotherapy and have life saving medication denied because of the cost. Other women go abroad for plastic surgery because it is cheaper, and then they come back and need the damage mended on the NHS. I don`t think it`s right. Women who have cosmetic surgery (or their surgeons) should be prepared to pay for any damage to be fixed.