Friday, 23 April 2010

De-Clutter your Wardrobe

I don`t know about you, but I have made numerous attempts to de-clutter my wardrobe. I`ve taken every single piece out and had a long look at each garment - before putting it back in. Little or nothing was ever taken out, including things which I hardly wore, e.g. because they no longer fit, need mended or because I simply didn`t like them any more.

Most women wear "20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time", and some people recommend ditching everything which has not been worn for a year. I would not be this ruthless. I`ve developed my own method which I feel works, is fun and not at all time consuming:

  1. First of all, you need a lot of clear space. Hanging space, shelving space, shoe space.
  2. After you have cleared space you need to do absolutely nothing! :-)
  3. The next morning, chose any outfit you want to wear. Over the day, be very aware how you feel wearing this outfit. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel the opposite, maybe because it does not really fit or you simply don`t like it any more?
  4. If you liked wearing the garment, put it into the empty space. Anything that goes there is for keeps! :-)
  5. If you did not like wearing the garment, determine why you don`t. If it needs mended and you feel you would want to wear it again, bring it to a tailor. If it does not fit or if you dislike it, get rid of it: either put it on ebay or to a charity shop *right now*. Don`t put it in a corner to deal with "later". If you are anything like me, these things will sneak back into your wardrobe. 
  6. Do not immediately replace the things you have just given away. I am often tempted to do this, but over the next few weeks, you may notice that you still have plenty and maybe really don`t need three pairs of black trousers after all. You can replace the items later, but before buying any new clothes, I`d recommend assessing what you have alrady got if you are serious about de-cluttering. The goal is to have a wardrobe which only contains things you really like and wear, and therfore, it is crucial to finish the de-cluttering job first. Depending on the current size of your wardrobe,this excercise may take you a while.
  7. The next morning, chose another outfit from your wardrobe. Things you have already put away for keeps cannot be selected again. The goal is to, over the next few weeks, try absolutely everything in your wardrobe and assess whether you still like it. You can take a garment out of your wardrobe and have a long hard look at it, but this will not show you how it feels, whether it still fits, etc.
  8. Common sense, of course, must prevail. Going out clothes are not needed as much, and you may be used to wearing the same three jeans all the time. Do however try to wear everything you`ve got over the next few weeks, as far as your lifestyle allows.
A chapter about replacing things will follow at a later stage - not there yet myself...

Saturday, 17 April 2010

fantastic old fashioned kitchen gadget

There was ony very little I was given when I moved into my own flat, but there is only one which I still use today:

"It`s an old thing," said my granny. "It won`t last you long..."